The governance

Ostia antica archaeological Park is a peripheral structure of the Ministry of Culture, belonging to the General Directorate for Museums.

It is an independent body involved in heritage protection, preservation and public enjoyment.

The Park has been set up after the Ministerial Decree dated 23 January 2016 no. 44 “Reorganisation of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, pursuant in compliance with article 1, paragraph 327, of Law no.208 dated 28 December 2015”.

Its territorial jurisdiction is extended to part of the city of Rome (X municipality) and the city of Fiumicino.

According to the Ministerial Decree 23rd December 2014, related to the National Museums organisation and functions, these are the institutional bodies required in MIBACT independent structures:


  1. The Director

  2. The Administrative Board

  3. The Scientific Committee

  4. The College of Auditors


They shall:

  1. guarantee the fulfillment of Museum’s mission;

  2. ensure that Museum’s activities are cost-effective and efficient;

  3. verify the scientific quality of cultural activities and of promotional and communication functions of the Museum.


The Director, dr. Alessandro D'Alessio, heads the Admnistrative Board and the Scientific Committee.

The Administrative Board defines the guidelines of research and technical activities of the Park, in conformity with Ministry’s directives and deeds.

Its members are: dr. Alessandro D'Alessio, dr. Elisabetta Scungio, dr. Flavio De Benedictis, dr. Alessandro Leon, dr. Giuseppe Cosenza.

The Scientific Committee plays an advisory role for the Director on scientific matters and for what concerns the activities performed at the Park. Designated on 12th December 2017, it is chaired by the Director and four members, currently awaiting appointment. The members of the Committee shall serve five-year terms.

The College of Advisors supervises the administrative and accounting matters, its members include dr. Antonella Coni (President), dr. Rocco Di Leo, dr. Roberto Via.


The Park