

We are open on Easter Monday!

On the occasion of Easter Monday 2024 the sites of the Ostia Antica Archaeological Park will be open to the public on Monday 1 April according to the usual timetable and regular ticketing. On this day the new opening hours of the Archaeological Area of the Ports of Claudius and Trajan (10am-5pm) will come into force. The weekly closing day will be postponed to Tuesday 2 April 2024 at the sites of the Archaeological Area of the Ports of Claudius and Trajan, the Necropolis of Porto on Isola Sacra and the Museum of the Ships of Fiumicino. Instead, the Archaeological Area of Ancient Ostia and the Castle of Julius II will remain open.

Call for Posters - International Conference "Urbs in transitum"

The Parco archeologico di Ostia antica, the University of Graz and the Universities of Louvain and Namur are organising, in collaboration with the Austrian Historical Institute and the Academia Belgica, an International Conference on 4-5-6-7 October 2023, entitled "Urbs in transitum. Innovation and tradition between Rome and Ostia in the 3rd century" dedicated to the analysis and in-depth study of the dynamics of the transformation of Ostia and Portus during the 3rd century, declined in their various aspects (historical, social, economic, productive, building, artistic) in relation to Rome. As part of the conference, a poster session will be organised in which contributions on the...


Ferragosto at the Ostia antica Archaeological Park


On Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 August 2023, the Ostia Antica Archaeological Area, the Imperial Ports of Claudius and Trajan, the Museum of the Ships and the Necropolis of Porto will exceptionally be open to the public according to the usual opening hours and tickets.

The Imperial Ports of Claudius and Trajan, the Museum of the Ships and the Necropolis of Porto will observe their weekly closing day on Wednesday 16 August.

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