Terme della Trinacria
The baths were built in the Hadrianic period (AD 117-138) and transformed in the late 2nd century AD.
A service corridor leads into a large courtyard that also functioned as a frigidarium (room for cold baths) (A).
Another corridor (B), connected to the courtyard, has a mosaic floor with a personification of Sicily, or Trinacria, represented as a female bust with three legs on her head. It gives access to the heated rooms, which are in the south part of the complex.
One of the rooms has a mosaic floor with marine motifs (C), whilst it is thought that the adjacent room was used by male sex workers given the presence of an inscription on the mosaic floor.
Finally, the tepidarium (room for warm baths) has a mosaic with a scene of athletes receiving prizes (D).
See also:
- The Residential Districts of the Upper-Middle Class
- Domus di Amore e Psiche
- Terme del Mitra
- Complesso dei Mensores
- Caseggiato di Bacco e Arianna
- Serapeo
- Terme della Trinacria
- Casette Tipo
- Caseggiato del Serapide
- Terme dei Sette Sapienti
- Caseggiato degli Aurighi
- Case a Giardino
- Insula delle Ierodule
- Insula delle Pareti Gialle
- Insula delle Volte Dipinte
- Insula delle Muse
- Domus dei Dioscuri
- Domus del Ninfeo
- Cd. Palazzo Imperiale