Palestra delle Terme del Foro
South of the heated rooms of the Terme del Foro is a large gymnasium of trapezoid shape (A), surrounded on three sides by a portico with marble columns (B).
Behind the portico are shops (C), whilst on the south side is a room divided in two by spiral columns, perhaps to be interpreted as the headquarters of one of Ostia’s corporations (D). In the south-west corner of the gymnasium stands a little brick temple (E).
The blocks from a frieze depicting episodes from the myth of Vulcan, reused in later structures, may have belonged to an earlier cult building, demolished when the building complex of the Imperial period was constructed. According to other hypotheses, they may come from one of the temples in the Area Sacra Repubblicana or from a Republican cult building facing onto the Decumanus.
See also:
- The Central Area and the Official Complexes
- Molino del Silvano
- Casa di Diana
- Thermopolium di Via di Diana
- Museo - Casone del Sale
- Mensola della Sinagoga
- Caseggiato dei Dolii
- Insula di Giove e Ganimede
- Castrum repubblicano
- Caseggiato dei Triclini e Foro della Statua Eroica
- Capitolium
- Cd. Sacellum dei Lares Augusti
- Tempio di Roma e Augusto
- Latrina presso le Terme del Foro
- Terme del Foro
- Palestra delle Terme del Foro
- Basilica
- Cd. Curia
- Tempio Rotondo
- Caseggiato del Larario
- Horrea Epagathiana et Epaphrodithiana
- Area Sacra Repubblicana
- Tempio di Ercole
- Terme di Buticoso
- Cd. Piccolo Mercato